Calculating the rating of a motor vehicle

It is essential to accurately estimate the cost of a vehicle when it is sold.

Ratings are a reliable index for the sellers as for buyers.

Ratings are the guarantee of a fair transaction between the seller and the buyer.


Here is some information on the calculation of the rating of a motor vehicle.



Rating of a vehicle: a reliable reflection of the automotive market

The price of a used car can not be calculated without some criteria.

Indeed, the price will be evaluated according to specific criteria that will avoid some mistakes.

When evaluating the price of a vehicle, the first tool to use will obviously rating argus.

The rating is evaluated based on the latest information about the market for used cars.

Ratings are the most reliable reflection of the value of specific at a specific time during a vehicle..

This is the reason why some very rare models have a much higher rating at very commercialized models on the market and therefore more upon resale.



Rating of a vehicle is defined how the theoretical price ?

The argus of a used vehicle is set to an average annual mileage.


For example, diesel engines: the average is 20,000 km / year for vehicles with 0-6 CV .


If the vehicle displays a higher number of kilometers on the clock , the price may be reduced depending on each additional kilometer driven .


The opposite effect can also occur if the vehicle fewer kilometers than expected, the price will then be increased for each kilometer in less made.


The prices of the current year of a vehicle may be published after twelve months on the market . The rating is the price calculated for an « average month » for first registration .


The average month ? This expression corresponds to the month of January for vehicles put into circulation before 2000 and in July for the following year ..


One exception : Trading vehicles have been put into circulation in 2000 is calculated for 18 months .


Calculate the value of the vehicle by itself

To calculate the odds of your used car for yourself , here are some tips to help you better assess the odds of your vehicle:


Some options ( comfort items not included in the basic version ) of the vehicle will achieve a gain in some cases.
A vehicle first hand over 4 years will be eligible for capital gain .
The gain compensation if major repairs were recently completed , they can then be valued in calculating the rating of the vehicle ( with supporting invoices ) .
Date of first registration will apply more or less value to the vehicle according to the reference month from the coast ( proportion of months ) .

You are now well informed to sell your used vehicle to its fair value.


The calculation of the rating of the vehicle allow you to sell your vehicle faster : in fact, it corresponds to the reality of the market and the buyer will be in total confidence to buy your used vehicle.

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