Buying guides

Buying a used car at auto auctions often requires a certain knowledge of the automotive sector. This is why provides many online shopping guides to know the essential points to buy a used car auction.

Explanations on how a salesroom works, tips and advice on how to buy a cheap car are just a few of the many topics covered in our auto buying guides.

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Guide to car auctions

Guide to car auctions

It is now possible to buy a very recent used car at a price unbeatable. How? With to the auto auction. So what are the important steps in buying a car at an auto auction? What are the points to remember? Mercier-Automobile told you a few points. Step 1 : Attend the exhibition vehicles Before bidding at auction , you will first attend the exhibition available to the auto auction ...

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Calculating the rating of a motor vehicle

Calculating the rating of a motor vehicle

It is essential to accurately estimate the cost of a vehicle when it is sold. Ratings are a reliable index for the sellers as for buyers. Ratings are the guarantee of a fair transaction between the seller and the buyer. Here is some information on the calculation of the rating of a motor vehicle. Rating of a vehicle: a reliable reflection of the automotive market The price of a used car ...

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Auction House: operating mode

Auction House: operating mode

Les sociétés de ventes volontaires communément appelées SVV ou vente aux enchères publiques permettent de vendre ou d’acheter un bien d’occasion au meilleur prix tout en bénéficiant de garanties avantageuses. Il y règne souvent une ambiance particulière et conviviale propre aux ventes aux ...

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Découvrir en vidéo Mercier & Cie

Spécialiste de la vente aux enchères publiques au Nord de Paris, les commissaires-priseurs de Mercier & Cie sont spécialisés dans les enchères judiciaires (ventes suite liquidations judiciaires d’entreprises), les enchères de voitures d’occasion, d’engins de travaux publics et de poids lourds. Mercier & Cie est également un acteur connu et reconnu dans le monde des amateurs d’art au travers de ses ventes aux enchères d’œuvres d’art et d’objets rares (tableaux, sculptures, bijoux, vin etc.). Les hôtels des ventes de Mercier & Cie se situent à Lille, Marcq en Baroeul, Vendeville, Cavaillon ainsi qu’à Mouscron.

Les modèles de voitures d'occasion les plus recherchés